LONG ISLAND CITY, NEW YORK, USA: Opening Reception for Seas Trees Birds & Bees

Opening Reception: Saturday, February 22, 5 – 8 PM

The Rainforest Art Foundation (36-58 37th Street Long Island City)

Exhibition Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 1:00 – 5:00PM

Hillary Waters Fayle

Hillary Waters Fayle

The Rainforest Art Foundation is pleased to present Seas Trees

Suzanne Stroebe

Suzanne Stroebe

Birds & Bees, an exhibition that displays the interconnected artistic vision

in the age of the Anthropocene.

Hyobin Kwon

Hyobin Kwon

Through a variety of different artistic practices these contemporary artists

express a reverence for all things under the rocks and stars, the sky above

and the earth beneath us. Each delicate flower is a gift to be cherished and preserved.

Lilian R. Engel

Lilian R. Engel