Ashley Purland, Iris MacLean, Stephanie Lusk, and RAF artist Rachel Sayad-Sangsura
Panda Challenge
The Rainforest Art Foundation was selected by PandaBit to be the first in the BETA testing of the newest evolution of crowd-funding: up-cycling electronic waste in our community. Pandabit up-cycles old mobile phones, iPods, tablets, and handheld game consoles in any condition. In return Pandabit makes a contribution to causes that do good. Find that old broken or working device and send it to us today. The process is 4 simple steps and Pandabit will send you a pre-paid shipping kit at no cost to you!
The Rainforest Art Foundation’s mission is to increase appreciation of nature through art. Through this mission, the Foundation hopes to raise environmental awareness. Mankind is destroying the Earth with endless amounts of waste, and through this challenge RAF works with PandaBit to educate our community about the many harmful effects of electronic waste on our environment. E-waste represents 2% of landfills and 70% of toxic waste!
We paired the Panda Challenge with the Disappearing Nature exhibition in the RAF Gallery to heighten the reach of this message to save the Earth and by doing our part in up-cycling. International and local artists explore humankind’s relationship with nature. The works displayed depict our influence on nature and the influence nature has on us. Celebrate Earth Day every day!